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Tag: silly

A sticker for grumpy people.

A sticker for grumpy people.

You know what they say about best laid plans of mice and me often going ka-plowie? Well just as I started getting this site together I had a ka-plowie. A family member falling deathly ill. So naturally everything takes a back seat to that. I am grateful now with said family member recovering I can get back to my best laid plan: My next post here.
What? I didn’t say it was a important plan, just the best laid one.

I couple of months ago a friend of mine was having a rough day at work in her customer service job. She said she wanted to hand out MDKs all around. Originally ‘MDK’ is from the wonderfully terrible movie Demolition Man. It’s been adopted by music and gaming nowadays, but its not really a pleasant thing to hand people. Go look it up. I’ll wait.

As you can see ‘MDK’s are a little on the violent side. While I can’t condone violence I can condone stickers! For no other reason than to cheer up a grumpy friend I whipped this up in Adobe Illustrator. This sticker that could be handed out to anyone who “needed” one. Who could say no to a cute sticker like this?