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Category: Caricature

Starting the New Year

Starting the New Year

I took the holidays off and now it’s time to get back to it. I don’t really do resolutions. Building momentum, on the other hand, is a different story. I’m starting the year off with a little art and a little statement. Love him or hate him, number 45 is a symptom of the U.S. political disease, not its cause and definitely not the cure. I plan to make myself heard in 2018. This cartoon is my first step and my first bit of momentum.

Track Suits

Track Suits

We’re into the holidays so my posting has slowed a little bit and I might have contracted some minor writer’s/artist block. I figured I should put up something so, here’s an athletic couple’s caricature.  I’ll go digging back through old stories. I’ll see if I can tweek something and drop it here.



Just a Black and White

Just a Black and White

She didn’t smile until AFTER I was done. *sigh*

A basic black and white caricature. No color, no shading, just line and that’s just fine by me. Line is the most simple and most expressive tool in an artist’s kit. I’m a line junkie. Line is sexy.


Life goes on…

Life goes on…

Despite the disasters, natural and man-made,  recent or on going, Vegas keeps rolling along.  This city offers a very unique brand of escapism and sometimes that’s exactly what is needed. In my tiny way I get to help with that. For a moment, when I reveal my caricature to the customers everything falls away. It’s just them, laughing at a silly picture of themselves. Just for a second there’s nothing else going in the world at all. All is Right.

Enough the the vaguely melancholy. On to the silly.

This week I was working on a witch for a Halloween themed sample drawing and the lady in the hat comes up to me and says, “I want to be on a broom!” I was happy to oblige. Her daughter joined her for the drawing  They weren’t the most sober customers I’ve had, but the were certainly a lot of fun.

Muscles may be less buff than they appear.

Muscles may be less buff than they appear.

I had this couple come to the caricature stand this past week. I like the way it turned out so I thought I’d post it.  He asked for a extra muscle, so I obliged. He said when he came back next year he’d have those muscles. To balance things out, next year he gets noodle arms.